Friday, February 29, 2008

fri up thurs review

talk about power of intention I tell E I mustadjust to Daylight Sav Tm & I'm up @ 4:44 also 2 ctch Thurs which flowed fast w/ vinyl Yard Sale sign after miss Trav even Radio Visionary eludes me for forms w/M's financial aide doc after Matt hears of Lynda and Bart again moving responsibility a couple o months 2 July from the May they promised M in Dec. that call proves warmest ever inspite of frostbite shoulder style, good M talk about Autism art in Wired - how honest answer is rare due to projecting implications normally overlooks immediate experience, Weds Nite lead-up w/E expressing how Risener's never even wanted her becomes Thursnite ride back from MB resolve of behavior limits to value pretenses (they have to think so rich 2 act (justify)so poor at support) the meal shared is TJoes froz but Odessius sinks on couch, glad I saw Gary B4 noon apt & Marco on frwy (7 & no go 2 Elou) but yard worked alone, moving tables & flr pln tlk 2 Ed, Eric, Jeff, remember glance of K w/ cHello ~

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Weds Wows'em

Whirlwind thoughts and actions start chores with cinna-rolls, couch w/M good sign so,I make 3beds, roll-up windows of BMW, see E&M out door to P/U James, watch debate re-cap, John Michael, Omar, Jean, George broke his arm Donnalea says, so I get yard in more shape til ready for Standing Orations @ Legal Library, more HR folk, Mary, Andrew, Jeanene TstMstr intro on growth, Jeff speach on diversity, Nancy on Now&Then tech-changes, Jane time, Marcella Tip, Maura loves Jim's goals in wallet, also Tom critique, zip2 TLHS-make noon 2morrw apt w/ Matt @ counciling, by 1:30 Kevin & Mark want pill count, so going to Ross's 2 share rst Bf sand & cookies so M gets Stephen C connection 4 2002 parts while I Hi 2Fox art (Gary) about Albino @ Ashkenaz wave 2 Pam, Melinda chuckles & E eats pizza 2 MB@ 3:45 - United TeriStk produce alot $38, ck brn rice B4 6 p/u aftr phne w/M E get pep about rise&lostshine on hm ride - more M laundry w/help

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Too tue

Trav ~subs in India? rfrg & wtr ptchr up-date off by 9:35 2Civic Library, Justice center, SFWY -Carole cookies & dinner prep -Eastern Promises notes freedom mantras in contrasting, organizing mostly around outdoor spaces (terracing, canvas, structure layouts) but old office still gets an hour, bank shuffle makes headache, but image of obsolete power posing buys time, Dad calls with schedule 4 Bakersfield or May & April 6 as E extends M.B. 2 7:30 when hm steak onion w/mushroom & sweet potato makes great chance for set-up by E but clean only table after til 8:40 then on couch 4 movie w/ M&H til 9:30 try carpoolers but headache distracts til laundry 4 M @10:50


Trav? So celery & apple + M. drives E. @ 8 and weeds need mucho attention as Cashern focuses healthy stipulation but wet drawings reorganize projects, mail from Davis & Soc Sec but no $, E. drives us hm @ 3:10 and walks 2 daycare, Omar walks, baked chicken w/wild rice & spinach, dshwshr, vacuum, B4 PYC I leave 4 Peace & Justice ~ Gary, Jim, Clarence, Craig, Roy, Olivia, Greg,

sweet Sun

saw funnies so E @ Congregation 8, write morning so noon E drives 2 longs & Hi 2 Michael @ seeds, batteries, filters, bandage, Farmers Mrkt ~ oranges, onions, salmon, back hm 2 purple inspiration, M takes antibiotic @ E drives again 2 Silver Screen, drawers yield sort of projects, dinner red potatoes, broc & frsh fsh served @ table watching Oscars ~ timed 2 C Krickie, Gina (a blessing) Larkin Gayle (w/Jerry), Susan Z, Brindl, Adrienne (2 the valley below), Diane rocked the dancers w/horns, harmonica ~ Debbis, Chris, Larry ~ Kelly continued w/ Jerry (I Thought I was You) & Danny- there was Damir, Judy, Brian, Debbie,

Saturday, February 23, 2008

F & S

always up without alarm so being ready to leave 4 E. 2 babysit in M.V. @ 8am & hear TravT (internet edu) & do Taichi for patient drive through til I get garden stuff @ Home Depot, Stk & milk @ United, after driving by Community Clinic on Loop, Get Michael Clayton frm Lek, glad M. had left by self after e-mailing to Davis coach LenZalesky lastnite so movie builds note foundation to "seeing" insight / outline, Marco touchdown to take chairs & table w/ some yard exercise so E. drives @ 3 first 2 cheesecake then M.B. ~ McLaughlinGrp aftr Contrary so when E. p/u frm ballet (2nd Taichi) @ hm is M w/Sean making pizza, I add hamburger production fun, complete clean-up takes going out out of me Ghost whispers images mix w/ Numbers & dream of Tony so cool discussion at Jessup & M. had confetti everywhere so Jeff? & Tony on couches sleeping observes self dilemma focus energy budget. Like howSantana job is magic rather than money to Marcos parallel partner story artists, Up to write & commentary MikClayton bfore 6 & coffee talk 2 M. gettin reddy 4 Linda & Ed by 8 so yard is execised w/weed mgt & plastic so E @ MB drive 9:40, noon tke her 2 mall & cost+ back2 MB modern dance 3-4:30 so I get more purple rm cabinet rearranged & check J sweaters 4 party @8 borders C Annie Lamot

Thursday, February 21, 2008

clearing eclipse

lots of get ready for 10:45 office meeting Paul/michael, find that nausea should have prescription so @ Walgreen's talk 2 Donna @ gallery then computer 2 Steve & E. drives dwn Sunset Pkwy then out to BelMarinKeys & M goes to M.C.(3:30) & E. @ M.B.(4) pick/up 5:30&45 Cynthia Lucas likes Radical Honesty talk hm to Steak(A-1) cauliflwr, spn rav, running out 2C sky show ~ had 2 call Martin 4 great debate on conserving standard $100 tip frm E. 4 tech help ~ so EliStone reveals coma time warp resolve

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2 day

dream attempt but garbage takes me 2 TrvT on time (none@9) so running around rain gets organizing, dshwsr, vacuum, E watches Becoming Jane w/me, Cherrios, changing M bandage to get 10:45 apt. 2/20 & pizza, best writing while rewatch Mars Kid but somehow E & I test emotions so I gotta drive 2 Sausalito for Damir, but early ending is need to write about my name

Monday, February 18, 2008

mor thn medm

dream of the coupling going to meet others ~ up before needed to Hear TT on way 2 SFWY, mlk Frazer funny, bacon hawi roll melt, cinbun, feed Shane Ryan Shane Gail E & M, changing dressing deep draining method, & shwr B4 Charles observes circus argue-meant to experience response-ability training packed snak and go to Haight frm 12:noon 2 2:55 thn downtwn garage for hr 2 meet Rebecca by 5 @ Chinatown parade floats. Fry chicken w/ salad watching Martian Child

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Song sun

up 2 stretch & Dr.Lawler calls 8AM E. drives to Congregational job so I organize bdrooms to vacuum cont,2 many in & out projects,trees,weeds hanging tools then pk/up M@ NoHsp, Anita Ben, thn hm to bud vase & Manasha w/Cello tlk 2 Bruce about Peter's projct, E drives 2 Walgreen's bacck dwn Lincoln 2 SilvrScn (Martian Child, Becoming Jane,War,) San JCafe ceveche & brito, Brad B had called, Bill & Sean H, more yard Dad calls, Gary frm sauna, Carole & Charles brng Gail ~ get to Peri's 4 Holdouts(Bart & Mark), thn Piano w/cello & Violin, Jack orig, and Matt Hanson ROCKS, Krickie so nice & Marco, Artie , Sara, laugh hard w/ good dancing

Saturday, February 16, 2008

fried ay! & sat there

what sleep?2 get E 2 school, councelor Kathy, Jocelyn, Shane but morn bye 2 Eric & Stacy just wk w/ Kirk when M goes to C Kevin & straight 2 Novato Hos aftr E out @2;20 straight into surgery, Anita, Wendy, Matt, Mark puts in rm210 while H, DD, S&S w/me &E wait for 9:20 CalPzaKit @ hm & E 2 Alexa 4 morn matches @ San Marin ~ so I'm up Sat hrs b4 alarm to pak & clean 4 9am shorts& Unwear 4 crutch lesn & meet Linda & Gordon & SnMn w/ singlet grt catch-up w/GParents (DrCable) nurse Sandy thn Gattaca, Malory & Daniel ~ hm 4 pasta & kit sweep (inc dswr), M's bed, laundry on my bd (1-4) back @ NovHosp Marissa follws to prklt & up were D & M ply Turismo & I read & write til Whole team brings Morgan Most Valuable Trophy, clapping & jokingw/Playboy celebs, so icecream Chubby Hubby & sushi (unagi maki) keep company til 10:20

Thursday, February 14, 2008


"Dad!" M's pain had us @ Emergency by 12:15am getting 6oz drained frm knee so sleep started at 3:30, 6:30 E. wanted to be awoken, driven to school, Travis(x2),SFWY(Frazer&Schafer), Brian insights on cloud gifts, M. gets 2ALieve & Cephalexin @ 9 . Email; Jolie, Pam, RE:politically, post writing frm last nite, get E 2drive twice, edamame 4 E&M @ 3, M's pills need monitoring but H helps stay aware of nite-fever aftr Salmon, orzo & artichke, E babysits & I struggle to finish Eli's custody case but great art insight day frm Damien Hirst on Charlie Rose to Medici ~ DaVinci vs B.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

reflex stalled

Get ready so I can hear Travis on way to Paradise & Jason is listening to KPig now & all smoothly completes prep work so I can leave by 1 and shop Trdr J and get to Dr L w/ M but compromise not as wise as hoped. Perscrpt drpoff, bank & get E.2 M.B. & back to Pk-up @ Wlgrns, view Ona LeSassier again, & tlk w/ COM students & Henry P. & hm by 5:30, still dinner's wild rice w/ Stk & broc great & cookies take all nite while watching Proj Rnwy ~ M's knee scary

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Good thing I had time to bank online before 9:30 retooth apt w/Roger ~ view inspired graph meditation model ~ Paradise job starts @ 11 til 3 break then scrape and sand til 6:30 w/Jason joking creatively about Paco the taco & able to view Joice in his own backyard. United has salmon & steak, turkey,wild rice,bluberries+ made it to M.B. & w/E get pics, return library books. @ hm start cauliflower, shower, salmon & spinach, phone w/ Marco, Fernando then make butterbatter watching Amer Idol

PYC nite

Panic mode clean-up keeps from blaming child-like behavior for bathrm, kitcn, & other floors getting intensive with rearranging for meeting so I control grumpy when E bumps wall @ bank, learning to back-up still difficult clutch tricks @ sfwy, she sets up snaks quite well as pizza wrms M enters w/ H & I bike to Karen's Unionstone grp dynamic but sitting with kids on couch to make fun of project run-way ~ becomes call ~ Jason need help off Paradise & tells Mexico vacation story, new chiuaua for Joyce: reminded M to go 2 Kevin @ 2:30 Weds 4 more care.

Monday, February 11, 2008

sunny Sun

So as E driving came @8:40 it had been morn writing from 6 with vacum & dish, counter action making sledge work w/M clamping down epoxy hammer idea, noon Frms Mkt, many hikers (&jared) say HI & sep Sfwy lunch prove Asian Ckn Nood Soup great, drive 4 baking cookies, while breading MahiMahi w/ bkd pottoes, but after 2nd Sun Story Grp, Joe A(sang Father BLUES,) Sandra N(lv of Algernon?), Odesis, & "Lute Player"~ E is so domestic and drawing when I lv4 Bodeka w/ Rising Sons @ Perry's Donna ~ dances hard ~Superstition, Damir wants cookies Tues.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

sit tighter

M was up before 6 and going as I checked any info and relaxed til E. started movie @8, 9 got ready 2 drive 2M.B. & stop @ Long's, toetape, Make the catdoor work& edges go in while clutter shrinks M wins 3rd, E w/ Alexis, Lek & Kelly & Shelley Mary K W Jn DLwo/G. Rebecca meets me @ Ambers, Tabor, Michael(CD), Cassandra, Isa, Rich-taurus moon, Todd, Patrick, Marco & Sara brng article of M, bk hm on couch w/both SaT Nite Lv 2 good dream of party

Saturday, February 9, 2008

M was up before 6 and going as I checked any info and relaxed til E. started movie @8, 9 got ready 2 drive 2M.B. & stop @ Long's, toetape,

Thursday, February 7, 2008

loyal posting

thru laundry & vaccum work find writing solice &email Dad political & bankreflection M. hm @ noon watches Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down w/chicken sand & E gets rice @ 3:10 to M.B. & I Cingular interview, hm makes Jim's Caletti logos (5-6) then cat door cut w/circular E.@7 gets big salad & lasagna while ProjRunway leads into FamOJesus & Medici (KQED) - perspective by Brunelesci, Donatello David - Eli's brain anerism ~ dreams of medicine that could show on test that could disqualify free-treatment is tasted and makes me lucid to point that when I don't smell gas (& realize it) spilled later down road ~ still waking b4 alarm and ready to install Caletti aftr E. is dropped @ TLHS @ 7:45 ~ Jim Curtis tops high$ project, Josh takes invoice in M.V. hi to Pete, Richard L. in his office, book depot insight (, Lek @ Silverscreen ~ Across the Universe w/E. aftr driving hm @ 2:20, B4 M.B. @ 3:3o : I bagged lunch of chicknn stock instnt msh potato vega stew so I'd see Ono @ Donna Seagal @6, Joan B. in great crowd for Fabulous portals of recycled natural elegance designed to appreciate worship dimensional coloring of multi material / spiritual manifestation patterns: E @ 7 takes invite 4 Nicole, Carol, Gail, Charles,

Zen Judism

2nd cup of coffee inspires healthy morn til Toastmasters (tax check) lets me tell joke that gets serious w/ Brian & Karon but United gets chicken & fruit ready for E 2 M.B. 3:30, bank, open secret galleris & when I get to Redwood 4 wrestling I sit by Annette 2 tell M Kevin called from Lawler office TLteam beats Tam & San Marin &NCS so Peter sends Jeffrey & sitting with Bill & Jeff @ Wipeout

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

super vote

bag that 2nd cup & take Charles to Civic C 4 10am Sups meeting & vote back @ hm computer check-up til Gary-noon (commercials On Charlie Rose?) Michael Sherman's blog & e-mail til E 2 M.B. @ 3:30 organize @ hm enough w/M @ wrestling to meet Elements (looking for a portal) Delisa, Mike, Sandy(hospice), then Fernando & Pam @ Samuri so by 9:40 get2 NoName for Sean, Craig, Steve, Joe, Marco & Sara, - Shawn & Nick left early Damir closed

Monday, February 4, 2008

grndhog (jok) Monday

dream of gaming family of lob & toss party to sell what was organized as fun competition, (chicken bingo?) Will Success spoil? Eric talks of Roy leads into morn walks & taichi w/ Lane, Ed, Michael, Richard, Omar, conversation on art and political potential, aftr I tried to photo brkfst pie w/goat chz. CharRose - YahooSuperBlah M. pg articles so E,@ 3:10 takes us to Target & TdrJ. 4 staples and @hm M makes tuna melts & ARTichoke goes to Arty party, Ellen Biff, Brian, Charlie (does the shake), Tanya, Deepa ~transitional elements til aftr 9, E calls to remind PYC event @ our hs & elsewhere

Sunday, February 3, 2008

super sunday

E drives to church & back & I updated e-mail frm change-over thn Frmrs' Mrkt blood oranges, goat cheese, wht grss then 2Pam in Pacifica, Joy Suzette Brad, develop poetic hope of NOT retiring to conflict resolution meditation contribution work on puzzle during House (aftr Spr Bwl commercial wtch) hm by 10, I. J.s Bruce 4 M.2B prep of the week,canilonis, cookies & Breaking Bad

bleacher sat

E & I made rst beef sndwchs & celery w/ sunflowerseed butter & pickedup H by 8 and made it to Mission San Jose in time 2C M wrestle 4X (won 3&3rd) Bill only other parent there 2day, Caroline Fisher has incredible presence, Andre (Tam J), Denny (Petaluma), I open up to Danny, Conrad, Alex, Shanes, Sean, Dan, Alexa talking about my writing lists (for better or worse) glad I had notebook frm last wk-end to fill 12 hrs - hm 4 orzo & sausage